Corporate Sponsorship



Helping Yorkshire Poundies-21The use of emergency boarding kennels is essential in order to provide a safe haven for dogs on death row.  Without them, we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do.

By sponsoring a kennel, you will be making a direct contribution towards saving the lives of dogs on death row by helping us to provide a safe place for them to go.  Your contribution will be recognised by having your company name, logo and contact details above the kennel door and on our website. We will also make you aware of every dog that passes through its door – every dog that you helped to save.  You company will receive a certificate notifying you of your kennel number and naming you as a sponsor. 

You can sponsor a kennel from as little as £175 a year – that’s around 47p a day!  Yet you would be doing something you can’t put a price on – saving a life. 

Letting your customers know that your business is more than just about making money, but actually gives something back by supporting those in need, is the best promotion you can get.

To apply, please fill out the form below.  Once we have received your application, we will email you with the Terms & Conditions:


    Company Name (required)

    Company Address (required)

    Main Contact Number (required)

    Company Email (required)

    Company Website

    Amount You Can Sponsor

    Any Special Requests/Wording

    Company Logo

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